Here is a video showing this pokemon fire red rare candy cheat in action.
Rare candy cheat sapphire codebreaker.
For players who have the action replay cheat code cartridge for the game boy the cheat code for infinite rare candy in pokémon sapphire is 280ea266 88a62e5c for players who own the gameshark cheat device the code for infinite rare candy is b1e6fad7a0a564bc.
002 rare candy in pc slot 82025bd0 0044 003 have all pokemon balls 8c0cc69d0384 fa9826ee9187 8c9dc7080881 004 master code must be on 97726cae9184 17832e0e3475 b85e5a770386 005 have running shoes 8849b2f50287 006 zapdos 9c30e2e21f157234 more tricks tips and cheats for this game are right here pokemon sapphire cheats.
When the other code is used buy the rare candy in pokemart.
If you entered the code correctly at the first item slot of your pc should appear rare candy x 0.
Sorry for not uploading videos these late days if you enjoyed smash that like button.
82025bd00044 enter and activate the above code them check your pc you should see an entry for rare candy in your bag.
361e3586 cd38ba79 use don t use auto detect use this gameshark v1 v2 only to work.
For those who are asking where s the master code please note that it is not required for this cheat.
Pokemon emerald rare candy cheat works for my boy john gba vba and gba4ios.
Use the following rare candy cheat to get unlimited rare candies in your pc.
However is you are using a codebreaker then you won t need this master code and you can just input the following code directly for unlimited rare candies.
The cheats work and the game continues to function but if i use wild pokemon modifiers to try and catch a wild charmander or even a gen 3 pokemon like taillow as soon as i encounter a wild pokemon the game restarts.
And don t forget to comment down if it worked.
Remove the spaces otherwise the code will not work.
Withdraw one and the writing should change to rare candy x 35 or something like that.
Pokemon emerald cheats emerald gameshark codes gameboy advance.
820258400044 have fun leveling your pokemon.
You ll find them in your pc here is the rare candy code.
Ty rate me plss head back to our pokemon sapphire cheats page for a load more cheats and tips for pokemon sapphire.
Gameshark code b1e6fad7a0a564bc codebreaker 82025bd00044 you must enter the code with precisely no spaces.
I can then also use item modification cheats with the master codes to successfully get infinite rare candies or master balls.