Here is a video to see the rare candy cheat in action the video is for pokemon fire red so the code is different but how it works is the same.
Rare candy cheat sapphire.
For players who have the action replay cheat code cartridge for the game boy the cheat code for infinite rare candy in pokémon sapphire is 280ea266 88a62e5c for players who own the gameshark cheat device the code for infinite rare candy is b1e6fad7a0a564bc.
The cheats work and the game continues to function but if i use wild pokemon modifiers to try and catch a wild charmander or even a gen 3 pokemon like taillow as soon as i encounter a wild pokemon the game restarts.
Gameshark b1e6fad7a0a564bc or here is an alternative code for codebreak pokemon sapphire gameboy advance.
Check out our complete collection of pokemon sapphire cheats.
I can then also use item modification cheats with the master codes to successfully get infinite rare candies or master balls.
Use the following rare candy cheat to get unlimited rare candies in your pc.
Id 13587 report.
Rare candy cheat for pokemon sapphire.