If 3 rd digit is 0 it means multiplier factor of 1.
Reading ceramic caps 2 digit.
Many capacitor manufacturers use a shorthand notation to indicate capacitance on small caps.
For 3 digit s capacitor code the first two digits are the capacitance value in pf and the third digit is a multiplier factor of first two digits to calculate the final capacitance value of the capacitor.
When the first two numbers are multiplied with the multiplier the.
The resulting number is the capacitance in pf.
The first two digits will indicate the base capacitor value in picofarads.
The first two numbers describe the value of the capacitor and the third number is the number of zeros in the multiplier.
It can t exceed more than 6.
So for example if you simply see a 6 on the capacitor then this equals a value of 6 picofarads pf.
Then by just using numbers and letters as codes.
Click here for resistor colour code and smd resistor code ceramic disc capacitors have two to three digits code printed on them.
So the ceramic capacitor encoding system has 1 3 digits.
Then the 4 1 st digit the 7 2 nd digit the 3 is the multiplier in pico farads pf and the letter j is the tolerance and this translates to.
The capacitor on the left is of a ceramic disc type capacitor that has the code 473j printed onto its body.
If the capacitor only has 1 digit the capacitance value is that 1 digit in picofarads.
The third digit will indicate a multiplier to be used on the base number to find the actual value of the capacitor.
47pf 1 000 3 zero s 47 000 pf 47nf or 0 047uf the j indicates a tolerance of 5.
Method of finding the value meaning of codes of capacitor.
The first two digits of printed code are the first two digits of capacitor value and the third digit gives the number of zeroes to be added so as to get capacitor value in pico farad.
Use a third digit of 0 through 5 to place the corresponding number of 0s behind the base value.
The 3 rd digit ranges between 0 6.
Ceramic capacitors which are usually tiny pancakes with two pins typically list the tolerance value as one letter immediately after the three digit capacitance value.
If the capacitor only has 2 digits the capacitance value are those 2 digits in picofarads.
A third digit of 8 means multiply the base value by 01.
If you have a capacitor that has nothing other than a three digit number printed on it the third digit represents the number of zeros to add to the end of the first two digits.
Electrolytic ceramic and polyester we ll start with electrolytics as they are the most straightforward ones to read polyester and ceramic share the same labeling system but with some small differences.