Search for real property.
Real property search mat su.
The time listed here is the correct time for the advertised meetings.
Real property 907 861 8642 personal property business inventory 907 861 8637.
The tax id also known as the the account id may be found on your tax bill.
Zillow has 1 313 homes for sale in matanuska susitna borough ak.
Amount in dollars.
The state recorder s office administers the statewide recording system and the uniform commercial code ucc central file.
Search for voided property cards.
The mat su is a great place to raise a family get an education and run a business.
The subdivision name search will accept all or part of a subdivision name.
The mat su offers more land and more house for less money.
The parcel id is another method to search myproperty.
You may also use a subdivision id a four digit number shared by all parcels in a subdivision.
The matanuska susitna borough known as the mat su covers over 25 000 square miles with a diverse collection of communities and is the fastest growing area in alaska.
Our mission is to provide a secure accessible and impartial place to record and to preserve the permanent public record of alaska as directed by statutes under nineteen separate titles and by regulations in 11 aac 06.
Sales enter sheet no.
This article explains the why and how taxes are assessed for the mat su borough.
Property value and taxes.
United way community resource guide.
Select tax year.
View listing photos review sales history and use our detailed real estate filters to find the perfect place.
Property tax and value.
When the more details link is clicked google may incorrectly reflect gmt greenwich mean time date and time.