Doctors usually get stem cells from the bloodstream.
Recovery after autologous stem cell transplant.
Except for graft versus host disease which only happens with allogeneic transplants the side effects from autologous allogeneic and.
Autologous stem cell transplants are typically used in people who need to undergo high doses of chemotherapy and radiation to cure their diseases.
It s considered standard.
The initial step in an autologous stem cell transplant is harvesting the stem cells.
An autologous stem cell transplant helps to replace the damaged bone marrow.
About half of people with multiple myeloma can have this type of transplant.
With a stem cell transplant the stem cells are taken from either the bone marrow or the bloodstream.
The standard of care for fit multiple myeloma patients is to receive high dose chemotherapy hdt with autologous stem cell rescue otherwise known as autologous stem cell transplant asct after completion of induction therapy.
Understanding your autologous stem cell transplant.
These treatments are likely to damage the bone marrow.
In an autologous transplant stem cells are collected from the patient themselves harvested frozen and stored then given back to the patient after intensive therapy.
The recovery stage begins after the stem cell infusion.
When you have an autologous stem cell transplant your stem cells are harvested collected from your body and frozen.
During this time you and your family wait for the cells to engraft or take after which they start to multiply and make new blood cells.
Autologous transplants use your own healthy stem cells.
Another method of autologous stem cell transplant is an autologous bone marrow transplant.
An autologous stem cell transplant asct is one that uses healthy hemopoietic stem cells those that form the blood cells from a person s own body instead of taking stem cells from a donor to replace diseased bone marrow or bone marrow damaged by cancer treatment.
It usually takes about 3 months but it s also normal to take more or less time.
This requires calories and energy.
Autologous stem cell transplant procedure.
With a bone marrow transplant the stem cells are taken from the bone marrow.
The cells in your mouth stomach intestine hair and muscles will all regrow.
Autologous stem cell transplant can provide significant remission that is both long and deep extending survival.