The solution only attacks the portland component of the grout cement or concrete product thus reversing its hardening effect and softening to water jetting removal.
Remove shower drain from concrete floor.
Toilets sinks showers dishwashers tubs and garbage disposals shower drain installation in concrete floor hi we had our builder put rough plumbing for a bathroom in the basement.
You ll probably have to cut it with a hacksaw blade and pry it loose in sections from the shower pan.
Loosen the bolts that are holding the pipe rough in and the drain into the concrete floor.
Use the wrench set to determine the proper wrench size to loosen the screws.
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You can remove the existing shower pan and install a new one which will leave you with more options when it comes to doing it correctly.
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This often requires moving a drain connection that penetrates a concrete floor.
Sometimes moving a shower drain requires removing a concrete floor.
There must be a completely waterproof liner built into a shower pan which must be connected to the drain using a watertight method.
Removal of the concrete can be achieved by using a biodegradable solution that softens the concrete and allows removal by hydro jetting.
During the construction process plumbers lay out the drain system in dirt covered trenches before the cement workers pour the concrete slab.