Black algae are generally not an issue with smooth surfaced pools like fiberglass and vinyl.
Removing black algae from pool walls.
This guide provides a step by step procedure for eliminating black algae.
Brush all the surfaces inside your pool.
This type of algae forms in a layered structure with the outermost layer protecting the lower layers.
Once these surfaces are infested with black algae it will take time and persistence to eliminate it.
It appears as dark black spots on the walls and floor of the pool and is slippery to the touch.
Black algae can get into your pool several ways but one of the most common is from swimming suits that have been in the ocean.
Black algae have deep roots that work their way into.
The protective layer that forms on black algae makes the algae otherwise impervious to regular sanitizers so you must brush the algae to break through this layer so that chlorine and algaecides can kill the organism.
Yellow and black algae will require a heavy brushing of pool walls and floor while green algae may only need a light brushing.
The first time you cleaned the filter was to get any live bacteria out of the filter.
For yellow and black algae it is a long process and cannot be achieved in a day or two but for green algae you may solve the problem in a matter of hours.
Black algae is a thread like growth that develops on rough surfaces in swimming pools.
Brush daily for a week with the proper brush for your pool paying special attention to algae affected areas.