The average floor area per person in eu 28 is 42 56 m 2 per person.
Residential floor space per capita india goals minimum.
With the addition of a 14 96 sq km patch of lush mangrove the city s total area is now 473 28 sq km.
Each resident has just 8 sq m to call own the per capita residential area currently available in mumbai is just 8 3 square metre the survey s findings state.
Be aware of local restrictions codes and their minimum values.
It is the result of the size of dwelling m 2 floor area and the number of persons living in the dwelling.
Average living space in mumbai.
Occupancy rate is maximum numbers of persons per area unit.
Per capita living space in china in urban and rural areas 2002 2017 the most important statistics land area purchased by real estate developers in china 2008 2018.
In most member states this indicator is below the average in eu 28 but rather close to it.
The per capita space available for scheduled caste people is 70 3sq ft while for scheduled tribes it is 85 7 sq ft.
Plot size 1 hectare.
Housing consumption can be measured by the amount of living floor space occupied by one person or space per person jayantha and lau 2008.
They may diverge considerably from the numbers above.
Affordability i rs 60 lacs ii rs 40 lacs iii rs 20 lacs.
Jayantha and hui 2012 or the number of rooms per.
As per existing land use plans the average floor space per capita in mumbai is 9 sq m the availability being as divergent as 1 sq m to 5 sq m per capita for slum residents who account for nearly half the city s population while the richest decile on an average occupy 26 sq m per capita.
Similarly the poorest 20 have a per capita living space of 78sq ft in rural.
The floor area per dweller is one of the key indicators of dwelling comfort.
Dwelling unit size 4 person.
Non residential buildings refer to buildings in the service sector and include several categories office buildings hospitals schools and universities hotels and restaurants buildings in wholesale and retail trade.
These can simply be multiplied by the m 2 person activity levels to obtain per capita energy requirements.
For example we have the direct energy intensity of heating and cooling as well as for the embodied energy of construction both recorded in mj m 2 of residential floor space.
Minimum space requirement per capita i floor space 25s q m ii facility space 10s q m.