In a floor plan view the key parameters are cut plane and bottom set a level and a height offset for each of these parameter.
Revit 2nd floor plan showing floors below.
This issue occurs because there is an incorrect view range in the main view.
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In other words the second floor is only a partial floor so i want the walls for the garage and other main floor walls to be visible that aren t directly under the second.
Views quite simply views are how we are able to see our 3d model and 2d details and communicate it s form and composition to others.
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Showing overhead lines on your plans duration.
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If the view range intersects the geometry of a level in your main view that level cannot be used as an underlay in the main view.
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In the main floor level the bottom of the primary range is set to main floor with an offset of 1.
When you tried to underlay a floor only doors and windows were visible.
Levels may have a floor plan view associated with them but do not necessarily need to.
Hello all i m trying to create a second floor view that shows the walls below but only the ones visible from the second floor.