Structural plan should be the structural elements and floor plan should be the architectual.
Revit api structural foundation floor.
2015 2016 2017 2017 1 2018.
Click modify create floor boundary tabdraw panelboundary line and then click pick walls to select the walls in your model.
When you retrieve floortype to create a floor or foundation slab with newfloor use the following methods.
You can model the floor so it s only below the walls basically a floor with a hole in the middle.
2016 2017 2017 1 2018.
One is to have a floor that s both structural and finish so it would have your structural members on the underneath side of the floor as well as any finish materials on top such as carpet or tile.
Optionally you can sketch a foundation slab.
Create a foundation slab by sketching or selecting the walls of the first level of the model.
And y they have different heights how ever they both look down.
Catch generatedexceptionname as exception an exception is thrown if floor is non structural message vblf floor is non structural.
Just model the slab edge profile to take into account the floor thickness.
Ceiling plans look up.
However in revit structure you can create a sloped slab with newslab.
The other way to do revit floors is to have two separate floors one which is your structural floor and then a second layer.
Online documentation for autodesk s revit api.
You can sketch lines for the slab edges either by picking walls or by using the line tool.
There are two different philosophies on how to do floors in revit.
You create structural floors and decks by sketching them.
Typically you will sketch a floor in a plan view although you can sketch it in a 3d view provided the work plane of the 3d view is set to the work plane in which you want to.
Create foundation and floor slab.
Currently the api does not provide access to the floor slope arrow in the floor class.
It will be the correct category.
When you retrieve floortype to create a floor or foundation slab with newfloor use the following methods.
Click structure tabfoundation panel slab specify a foundation slab type from the type selector.
2015 2016 2017 2017 1 2018.
See also autodesk revit db structure namespace online documentation for the.
Online documentation for autodesk s revit api.
Currently the api does not provide access to the floor slope arrow in the floor class.
Create foundation and floor slab.
Use the sketch tools on the.
If you use the wall tool to create the outer edge it will adjust automatically when the walls configuration changes.