This continued to the point where this host floor plan view was so overrun with callout clouds that it was simply renamed do not touch as deleting it.
Revit filter floor plan callouts.
To add a callout to a view a callout head must be loaded into the project.
You can then add details to the callout view to provide more information about that part of the building model.
Callout view plan vs detail.
I would now like to reference them with a detail section on the elevation views to provide a better idea of where they are being cut.
Along the way this went unnoticed and every time a new floor plan was created using the duplicate floor plan technique another callout cloud was also duplicated on the original host plan.
The plan details are not drafting views but rather model views with some detail and annotations added to them.
Plan callout detail callout callout tag visible in intersecting views no yes color schemes can be assigned yes no can.
O h but it seems that you get one type and one type only for floor plan callouts and thus only one reference label.
On some of the plan detail callouts i d like to have a reference label of sim or sim.
If you add a callout tag to a floor plan view the callout view is also a floor plan view and displays in the project browser under views all floor plans.
Based on these differences one can choose a particular type.
The callout head is part of the callout tag.
Here are some differences.
Tips tricks and troubleshooting.
Each view type has some built in properties and settings.
When you draw the callout bubble in a view revit creates a callout view.
Aubin for an in depth discussion in this video understanding the differences between detail and floor plan callouts part of revit.
I have created some floor plan callouts i used these because i wanted to change the cut plane of the callout to a higher elevation.
When you add a view callout to a view revit creates a view that has the same view type as the parent view.