Rats in cartoons and animated films are often depicted as being crafty and resourceful.
Roof rats in my attic.
There may be a good reason for this as these animals are pretty adept in regard to the art of breaking and entering.
Blocks of rat poison.
Both the norway rat and the roof rats infest homes however it is the roof rat that tends to make nests inside attic spaces.
Beware of roof rats in the attic.
Norway rats tend to stick to the ground and the sewers and basements in their stomping grounds up north.
After the rats are gone many experts recommend taking extra measures to clean up around your property and inside the attic so other rats won t be attracted to the scent of the rats that used to live there.
The two most common species of rats in north america are the brown rat commonly referred to as the norway rat and the smaller black rat better know as the roof rat.
For effective pest control you need to determine what type of rat is scurrying around your attic.
When it comes to your attic in particular there are several ways rats can make their way in.
One of the biggest safety concerns of roof rats is the potential for fire which can become a reality if the rats chew through important electrical wiring.
The roof rat is more common in warm areas and more likely to enter the attic.
Ways rats can get into your attic.
The reason it s common to find rats in the attic is because of a particular breed of rat called the roof rat or black.
House mice live everywhere and they also commonly go inside attics.
Roof rats are known by a variety of other names including palm rats fruit rats ship rats and alexandrian rats.