Roof To Wall Line Revit

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Revit then makes the wall meet the underside of the roof correctly.

Roof to wall line revit.

For her expertise with revit but also for her knowledge of how programs can work in real life situations. Fascia to a model line. The other element can be a floor a roof a ceiling a reference plane or another wall that is directly above or below. Use pick walls if you want the roof to automatically adjust when walls are moved.

Roof by footprint can be used for both flat and sloped pitched roofs. Select the roof tool. In some cases you want to see a line between two walls especially in a case where an interior wall is joined with an exterior wall. Select each boundary line and set the value in properties or in option bar.

I drew a model line along the workplane of the rake and along its return back to the wall. Select the walls and on the properties palette set the base constraint to roof line. You can see in the 3d view that this constraint moves the dormer walls up to the main roof. 5 activate overhang on picked walls roofs.

Next the walls need to be moved to the roof line to create the dormer. Create the roof of the dormer using the walls we just placed. A common issue among revit beginners is the unability to properly control if a line will display between 2 walls. By attaching a wall to another element you avoid the need to manually edit the wall profile when the design changes.

Once again select the wall first 1. Then choose attach top base 2 and finally select the roof 3. Sketch mode is used to allow you to define the boundary of your roof. In this video i show you how to attach the walls in revit to the roof above them.

You can set an overhang on roofs created with pick walls.

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