But 99 of the time a roof truss is going to give you so much more.
Roof truss wall section.
Most simple construction truss roof home s roof and trusses are supported by the exterior walls perpendicular to the trusses.
A typical truss profile from the truss manufacturer per section 2 3 5 5 f 7 of the truss standard and ibc 2303 4 1 1 6 is required to show bearing and span conditions on the truss shop drawings.
The two walls are tied together by 1x4 wood gussets 24 oc.
The pros of using roof trusses drastically outweigh the pros of stick framing.
The cost of roof trusses.
Residential code irc requiring roof trusses to be attached to the top plate s of load bearing walls with connectors capable of resisting an uplift of at least 175 lbs.
The pros of using roof trusses instead of stick framing.
Here are the pros of trusses.
The roof lines ridgelines hip lines valley lines gable and eaves overhang lines at the ends of building sections and at junctions provide information regarding.
We usually build on the exterior walls set the trusses and do all of the chord blocking and truss bracing before buildin.
Shop drawings involving drag trusses should be reviewed and scrutinized by the design professional upon receipt.
A truss frame consists of a roof truss and a floor truss joined by exterior wall studs.
Web configurations included on an architect s section drawings may usually be ignored.
The wide variety of possible roof and floor truss designs and combinations is illustrated by figure 1.
End walls may be truss framed with field assembled stud infill prefabricated in.
For a 64m2 house which is a standard 3 bedroom new build you would need 14no 35mm standard roof trusses with a span of 8000mm with a pitch of 35 degrees.
More specifically section r802 10 5 states in part.
Trusses shall be connected to wall plates by the use of approved connectors having a.
The truss type selected in a specific roof depends on the span pitch and roof cover as well as on an understanding of structural roof design.
Sure there may be an instance where stick framing is your only option and that is understandable.
Riversong truss wall section this is my riversong truss wall which is built with full dimension rough sawn lumber 2x4 inner load bearing wall and 2x3 outer skeleton.
2 2 loadbearing walls 2 3 non loadbearing walls section 3 truss installation 3 1 general 3 2 set out 3 3 lifting 3 4 first truss 3 5 subsequent trusses 3 6 erection bracing and tolerances section 4 roof bracing 4 1 general 4 2 battens 4 3 top chords 4 4 bottom chords 4 5 webs 4 6 top hat construction section 5 truss connections.