Saved by sagar chitrakar.
Roof valley gutter construction details.
The roof overhangs to valley gutters vary accord ing to the type of roof cladding see table 1 but e2 as1 requires a minimum clearance of 50 mm between the overhangs to be maintained.
This article discusses details and specifications for roof valley flashing for best construction roof leak resistance.
Where a valley gutter is less than 250 mm wide for profiled metal and masonry tile roofing e2 as1 allows the roof overhangs to be reduced to 60 mm to give a 40 mm clearance between overhangs.
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We describe how to construct three common styles of roof valley.
However a valley gutter with a minimum clearance of 100 mm allows the gutter to be.
Open valley closed cut valley and woven roof valley and we include roof valley underlayment and nailing specifications.
The width of the open valley is dependent upon the roof pitch and the volume of water expected to drain into the gutter.
Valley gutter detail google search.