My vision is smokey when i walk in to a room it looks like it is filled with smoke.
Room looks smokey.
My problem is that every time i enter a new room it looks like it is filled with smoke.
Occasionally cloudy vision can be a sign of a medical emergency.
We checked all the kitchen stove burners and nothing is on.
Within the last 48 hours i ve been experiencing an extreme haziness in my vision that makes everything look smoky like someone is burning something in the kitchen.
We woke up this morning and every room in the house has this foggy misty look to it.
I also do not wear contact lens.
The eye wash relieves the smoky haze a little bit as soon as i use it.
It really worsens when exposed to light source even windows without direct exposure.
Smoky vision can occur from cataracts corneal abrasion diabetic eye and many other causes.
I initially noticed the issue after wearing.
Although not painful it s a bit distracting.
I attribute the decline in vision to tired eyes because i sleep very.
I also feel like there is something filmy on both eyes.
Some are considered.
I have been washing my eyes with stefania tetrandra decoction which is helping.
14 years experience internal medicine.
Smoky definition is emitting smoke especially in large quantities.
People think i am nuts but i always ask everyone if they see smoke.
Anyone know what this is.
It just looks like there is white smoke over everything.
I will be trying stephania root tincture 1 2 teaspoon 3 times a day as soon as it arrives.
How to use smoky in a sentence.
None of those windows are fogged up it s just this slight foggy look in the air.