The handcuff knot was described by ashley abok 1134 p 206 for use as a handcuff.
Rope knots for wrists.
Before the officiant gives a final blessing the ribbons are wrapped around the wedding couple s wrists with a knot tied loosely under the hands.
Wrists ankles knees wrists behind the back or up over the head ankle to thigh in a frog tie.
This knot is very simple to do and involves the wedding couple s wrists being bound together.
Imagine that you are using the rope to make a pair of handcuffs.
Wrap the rope around each of your wrists and leave the ends of the rope free so that you can make a knot.
Imagine you are camping and you have to protect your food from animals simply hang over your food to the tree that is not accessible by them and the knot is in such a way that it does not tie off too not even by the strong.
Pretty much anything where a single wrist or ankle is tied to some other thing tying all sorts of things together.
In search and rescue operations the handcuff knot is avoided because of the inherent danger of damage to the victim.
Be sure to cinch or knot the rope between your wrists so that you can t wriggle free.
You can use two pieces of rope or a few ribbons that are about 18 to 24 inches long.
This simple knot is commonly used to finish the end of a rope so it does not fray or as a stop knot partial suspension patrons only this tutorial lets you practice all the skills you need for full suspension but with the safety net of letting your partner keep one leg on the ground.
Your hands should be tied into separate cuffs not one single easy to slip out of wrap.
However the knot possesses minimal locking action and could never live up its name.