A high protein low fat formula helps to maintain muscle mass and limit weight gain.
Royal canin lightweight care 2kg.
2 kg maintaining the ideal body condition and muscle mass is a crucial aspect of your cat s overall health.
Royal canin light weight care mini is formulated for dogs predisposed to weight gain to achieve and maintain an ideal bodyweight.
Royal canin light weight care is a precisely balanced nutritional formula that helps your cat maintain a healthy body condition.
88 of slightly overweight dogs fed with royal canin mini light weight care achieved healthier weight in 8 weeks royal canin internal study.
It contains a very high protein content and a low fat content.
Royal canin light weight care reduces their calorie intake by 17 but at the same time satisfies their appetite.
Royal canin light weight care.
Royal canin light weight care is enriched with l carnitine to maintain a healthy fat metabolism.
The perfect ratio for maintaining muscle mass whilst limiting weight gain to support a healthy weight in conjunction with an appropriate mealtime routine and regular exercise in accordance with your cat s breed size.
To avoid the health complications that go with unwanted excess weight royal canin light weight care loaf is formulated with an optimal combination of soluble and insoluble fibers to help your dog feel full.
With exclusive use of light weight care the calorie intake is reduced by 17 whilst the cat s appetite is still satisfied.
High protein level the high protein content 40 helps preserve muscle mass and l carnitine aids the metabolism of fats.
Amongst the other beneficial nutrients this formula is rich in the omega 3 group of fatty acids such as epa and dha.