When the rubber band unwinds and the axle spins it transforms the potential stored energy into kinetic energy or motion.
Rubber band car designs for distance.
With this you can design the car to speedily sprint a short distance or travel a long distance.
A stretchy science activity from science buddies.
The following steps can be used to make a successful rubber band car but experiment with different objects for the wheels and the car body to find the design that can go the farthest.
Loop the loose end of the rubber band over the catch.
The aim of this project is distance.
Choose your car s body.
Wind the rubber band around the axle.
When you turn the axle on the car you are giving the rubber band potential energy which is stored energy.
Check out the bonus fun and try to beat the fastest rubber band car in guinness world records.
It must travel at least 20 meters and best of all is above.
Home guinness world records.
For our design we used a mustard bottle.
Basically it s a project to build a rubber band car of any size and not use any materials designed or it s intentional use is for a car.
Here are the items needed for your diy race car and the step by step directions for making a diy rubber band racer.
One of the keys to a successful rubber band car are large wheels with rubbery grip that don t slip on the axel.
Anything below 20 meters is a failing grade.
For a fast car that goes a long distance rotate the axle a few times to increase the winds of the rubber band rubber band car picture 6 hold the axle so that the rubber band doesn t slip and place the car on the floor.
And only utilize one rubber band for it s main power source.
Build a rubber band powered car.
This is probably one of our favorite rubber band toys we have made.