It s not a good idea to even try this unless you are very sure that you will be successful as the whole process can be very stressful for your fish.
Rubber lip pleco breeding.
Clown rubber lip bristlenose.
They can live for quite a long time too which makes.
You ll want to make a point of getting all the information you can before attempting this.
The rubber lipped pleco is a non aggressive species that can be kept in community aquariums.
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I think they look a little better than the bristlenose too.
So the order of shyness from shyest to least is.
It isn t pricey and is comparable to the bristlenose in size.
The rubber pleco as established will reach about 7 inches 17 7 cm which is still not near enough a common pleco.
This type of pleco is very low maintenance and a lot of fun to care for.
This species of pleco remains relatively tiny compared to its brothers.
It is very difficult to breed rubber lip pecos but not impossible.
The rubber lip pleco is a great choice for aquarists of all experience levels.
In this video i will be talking about how to care for bristlenose plecos also how to breed bristlenose plecos.
Rubber lip plecos chaetostoma milesi are a freshwater fish that come from south america other common names for this fish are the rubber lipped pleco and the rubbernose pleco.
These fish eat a lot of aquarium algae and will spend most of their time at the bottom of the tank no surprise there.
Bristlenose pleco care and breeding tips.
They are found throughout south america and have in recent years been reported as an invasive species in several countries most notably in the several southern united states.
A rubber lip won t outgrow 4 2 inches 10 6 cm.
This is another great choice that can be found in a lot of the big pet chains.
I think in a 29g the bristle nose or clown would be the best option as far as adult size.
And the rubber lip has been known to clean up an aquarium nicely.
Do not keep rubber lipped plecos in aquariums smaller than 55 litres 15 gallons.
And it seems like the bristle nose is the better option for viewing plus they breed readily in the home aquarium and are easy to distinguish male from female.
The common pleco hypostomus plecostomus also known as the sucker fish is a staple of the aquarium hobby and is easily one of the most popular fish available.
Rubber lip pleco breeding.