Enchanted ruby bolts have a chance of activating the blood forfeit effect.
Ruby vs diamond bolts.
These bolts are most often used in killing bosses commonly against god wars dungeon bosses and vorkath.
Enchanted diamond bolts are adamant bolts tipped with enchanted diamond.
Enchanted diamond bolts are adamant bolts tipped with enchanted diamond.
This enchantment is especially effective against opponents with a high number of hitpoints.
But it seems that from my information a ruby e spec on a full hp 255 kree arra would be a 51 where as my max with diamond e spec is 42 at 90 range.
When activated damage dealt to the target will be 20 of the.
I guess the ruby bolts are slightly situational as they re only better from 255hp 215hp and they do take up an extra inv slot that could be a saradomin brew.
Upon activation the bolt has 100 accuracy and deals up to 15 more damage.
Even at max health ruby bolts will only max hit 63 on them.
So in a way that ruby bolts are used at the start of the kill when the boss has a lot of health so it zaps 20 of the health they have.
Original poster 1 point 1 year ago.
Diamond bolts can be enchanted by using the spell enchant crossbow bolt diamond by a player with 57 magic.
Enchanted ruby bolts are adamant bolts tipped with ruby bolt tips and enchanted with the spell enchant crossbow bolt ruby by a player with level 49 magic the spell enchants 10 ruby bolts at a time and uses 1 blood rune 1 cosmic rune and 5 fire runes.
Diamond bolts can be enchanted by using the spell enchant crossbow bolt diamond by a player with 57 magic the spell enchants 10 diamond bolts per cast.
Ruby til 50 hp then switch to diamond.
Enchanted diamond bolts have a chance of triggering the armour piercing effect.
Likewise rubies come in round cuts too.
This increases the max hit by 15.
However they re also available in oval cushion and other cuts.
Then once they get lower health and the 20 becomes insignificant people usually switch to the diamond bolts and use the max hit.
Level 1 1 points 1 year ago.
A major difference between ruby vs diamond when it comes to cut is rubies are usually cut into ovals or cushions.
Too poor for that.
Enchanted diamond bolts have a 10 chance of triggering the armour piercing effect.
Enchanted diamond bolts are adamant bolts tipped with enchanted diamond.
Diamond bolts can be enchanted by using the spell enchant crossbow bolt diamond by a player with 57 magic the spell enchants 10 diamond bolts per cast and uses 2 law runes 1 cosmic rune and 10 earth runes.
These bolts are usually used in conjunction with ruby bolts when bossing.
I m using blessed dhide and a rune cbow.
Diamonds are typically cut as a round gemstone.
1 point 1 year ago.