The line width of the ticks.
R rug some values will be clipped.
The summary functions will be calculated for all y values by all unique values for x.
Normally 1 bottom or 3 top.
For a reasonable amount of data stat summary will take a while to calculate the summaries.
This immediately seems useful for eye tracking data but i would actually suggest calculating these summaries with ddply.
Logical indicating if there should be a warning about clipped values.
Some devices will round the default width up to 1.
Rug v1 again works adding the rug lines to the x axis of the existing plot.
This could get to be aggravating when fine.
Some devices will round the default width up to 1.
The colour the ticks are plotted in.
The colour the ticks are plotted in.
Related to plot gantt method in plan.
Further arguments passed to axis such as line or pos for specifying the location of the rug.
On which side of the plot box the rug will be plotted.
Logical indicating if there should be a warning about clipped values.
In each case the underlying reason can be seen if you read carefully the opening lines of the help documentation for these functions which is shown if you enter lines add connected line segments to a plot and rug add a rug to a plot description.
Some values will be clipped plan documentation built on may 1 2019 9 17 p m.
Further arguments passed to axis such as line or pos for specifying the location of the rug.
Stack overflow for teams is a private secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information.
Logical indicating if there should be a warning about clipped values.
Arrows is not a graphical parameter 2.
The line width of the ticks.